Sunday, September 27, 2009

the recurring organ nightmare

at least once a week, every week since i was called to play the organ in church, i have some sort of nightmare about it.

last night i dreamed i was playing the sacrament hymn naked, and the bishop had to come whisper into my ear that i was inappropriately dressed for church.

about a month ago, i opened the organ lid to play the prelude and found blood smears all over the keys (someone must have had a bloody nose or something). this prompted a nightmare in which the organ was cursed, and everyone who played it met a gruesome end. i was no exception and ended up getting impaled by a limb from the large tree outside the church that was ripped off by the wind during a storm.

i've noticed that every one of the organ dreams so far has had a commonality: each time i made a terrible fool of myself and didn't really know how to play--i just mashed random keys in hopes that it would sound like music. i was usually somewhere in the middle of this
embarrassment, and

then i woke up.