Monday, September 21, 2009

the dream where i am dead, but not really

variations of this dream have been recurring for me since i can remember.

i die, but i manage to not "cross over" as they seem to be so fond of calling it on all the ghost shows now days. usually, i have an accomplice who can still see and talk to me, and i always try to find my mother to bring me back (one time she tried to buy me back from god with coupons).

in the latest version of this dream, i died in a car accident. the local librarian found me, and in doing so, became the person who could see my ghost. he went with me to my mom, who determined that there was nothing that she could do about my little problem (of being dead). she decided that i should just sort of hang out in the land of the living like i was, and told me i'd find a way to be happy somehow. the librarian and i became friends, and he found the driver of the hit-and-run that had caused my death.

then i woke up.