Sunday, December 27, 2009

catch up

here are the most interesting dreams that i've had as of late:
  • i was in sunday school, and the berries and cream lad was sitting next to me. by the end of the lesson, he was practically sitting on my lap and stroking my hair with all his appendages wrapped around me.
  • i was in an animation in the desert. all i wanted was a swimming pool, a lake, an ocean--anything, but the withholding animator refused to draw me even a glass of water.
  • angelica houston was my very mean mother.  i don't remember what i did, but my punishment was to sit on top of the roof (i'm terrified of heights) of the house for three hours.
  • i walked into church and the bishop handed me a file folder full of colored notecards. on each notecard was written one of my sins. walking down the pew, i tripped and my sins flew all over for everyone to pick up, read, and laugh at me.
  • steve martin was my father, and he bought me the cutest studio apartment for christmas--right by runyon canyon in l.a.
  • i was in the waterworld show at universal studios.